A633: Topical Outline

Day One

Using Mainframe Computers – An Overview

  • Mainframes and Applications, Hardware and Software, Programs and Data,

ISPF Introduction

  • Keyboard Notes
  • The Logon Process
  • ISPF/PDF Primary Option Menu
  • Standard Panel Format
  • CUA Panel Formats
  • Running in GUI Mode
  • Using Action Bars
  • Getting Around in ISPF
  • Leaving ISPF
  • Computer Exercise: A First Encounter with ISPF / PDF

ISPF Look and Feel

  • The Settings Panel
  • LIST and LOG Data Sets
  • Function Keys Settings
  • Working With Keylists
  • Color, Intensity, and Highlighting
  • Look and Feel: Options
  • Look and Feel: Status
  • Computer Exercise: Changing the Look and Feel of ISPF

Working With Data

  • Files and Data Sets
  • Data Set Organizations
  • Data Set Naming
  • Locating Data Sets
  • Data Set Properties
  • SMS – Storage Management Subsystem
  • Finding a Data Set’s Properties
  • Computer Exercise: Finding a Data Set’s Properties

Allocating Data Sets

  • Reserving Space
  • Allocating a Data Set Using ISPF
  • Computer Exercise: Allocating New Data Sets

Day Two

Looking at Data – Edit, View, and Browse

  • Edit, View, and Browse
  • Member Selection Lists
  • Some View / Edit Commands
  • Computer Exercise: Introduction to ‘View’

More on Edit, View, and Help

  • More Edit / View Commands
  • String types
  • Help
  • Computer Exercise: More Edit and View, and Help

More Utility Functions

  • Move / Copy
  • Deleting a Data Set
  • Renaming a Data Set
  • The Library Utility
  • Sorting Member Lists
  • Computer Exercise: Utility Functions

Productivity Tips and Techniques

  • Quick Advance and Jump Functions
  • Split Screen
  • Command Stacking
  • CMDE Command
  • Retrieving Commands
  • Computer Exercise: Great Tricks


  • Sequence numbers
  • Nulls
  • Line Commands: COLS, I, D, R, M, C, A, B, X, F, S, L, LC, UC, (, ), >, <
  • Computer Exercise: Working With EDIT

Edit and View Primary Commands

  • Computer Exercise: More Work With EDIT

Day Three

More on Edit / View

  • Labels
  • LOCATE – Edit / View Primary Command
  • Line Commands: O, TS
  • EDIT – Under – EDIT
  • SORT – Edit / View Primary Command
  • Computer Exercise: Sorts and Copies in Edit

Edit / View – Passing and Receiving Data

  • CREATE, REPLACE, COPY, MOVE edit primary commands
  • CUT and PASTE edit primary commands
  • EDITSET (EDSET) edit primary commands
  • Computer Exercise: Copy, cut, and Paste in Edit

Reference Lists

  • Reference Lists
  • Computer Exercise: Reference Lists

Edit Profiles

  • Profile options
  • Bounds, Mask, Tabs lines
  • Edit Action Bar Choices
  • Language-sensitive Color Editing
  • Recent edit / view line commands: AK, BK, OK, HX
  • Computer Exercise: Using Tabs and other Profile Characteristics

Data Set List Utility and Commands

  • Option 3.4: Data Set List Does It All
  • Commands
  • Computer Exercise: DSLIST and Commands

The ISPF Object / Action Workplace Shell

  • Action / Object versus Object / Action
  • The Workplace

Running Batch Jobs

  • SUBMIT – Edit / View / Browse Primary Command
  • ISPF 3.8
  • SDSF
  • IOF
  • (E)JES,
  • Computer Exercise: Running A Job

PDSEs and VSAM Support

  • PDSE – Partitioned Data Set Extended
  • VSAM – The Virtual Storage Access Method

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