- The Web – Basic Concepts Review
- CGI Overview
- HTTP Servers on z/OS
HTML 5 – Selected Topics
- Review from Introduction to to z/OS UNIX
- Additional tags:<H1> – <H6>, <BR>, <DIV>
- Useful attributes
- Events and event handlers
- Introduction to JavaScript
Forms and INPUT Controls
- Introduction to Forms and Controls
- The FORM Element
- The INPUT Element
- Successful controls
- Submit processing
- Accessing Programs Without Forms
Building a Response
- Responses
- Response Headers
- Writing to stdout
- Sample CGIs: C, COBOL, Assembler, PL/I, REXX, Shell Script
GET Processing
- The GET environment
- Parsing the QUERY_STRING
POST Processing
- The POST environment
- Determine the size of data (CONTENT_LENGTH)
- Determine the boundary string (CONTENT_TYPE)
- Determining the server being used (SERVER_SOFTWARE)
- Accessing the Input Data
- Analyzing the Data
Error Handling, Testing, and Debugging CGIs
- Error Handling
- Testing
- Debugging
Other Topics
- Emitting non-EBCDIC Output
- DB2 Access
- The RRSAF interface
- Submitting batch jobs
- nph Processing
- Creating the Illusion of a conversation (Cookies)
The Design of Web-based dialogs
- The Server
- Pages
- Links
- Scripts
- Forms
- CGIs
- State Tools
- User IDs
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