Day One
Introduction to the Web
- The Web – Basic Concept
- The Web and HTTP
- Computer Exercise: Setting up for the labs
Introduction to Markup Languages
- HTML – An Introduction
- XHTML – What is it?
- HTML 5 and Browsers
- HTML – An Introduction
- The HTML, HEAD, META and TITLE elements
- Other sub-elements within the HEAD element
- HTML on z/OS
- Computer Exercise: HTML and Unicode
Text Markup Elements
- Element types in the body of an HTML document
- Events and scripts
- The BODY element
- The Paragraph element (P)
- The Headings elements (H1 – H6)
- The Line Break element (BR)
- Pre-formatted text: the PRE element
- Computer Exercise: Using Block markup
Links and Anchors
- Introduction to Hypertext
- Destination Anchors
- Hyperlinks
- External resource links
- The A element
- Link types – the Rel Attribute
- The Accesskey Attribute
- The Target Attribute
- The Media Attribute
- MIME types
- The LINK element
- Computer Exercise: Using Links and Access Keys
Basics of HTML Style
- Inline style elements (B, EM, I, MARK, S, SMALL, STRING, SUB, SUP, U)
- The STYLE attribute
- The STYLE element
- External Style sheets
- Style precedence
- Grouping elements: the DIV element
- Grouping text: the SPAN element
- Quotations: BLOCKQUOTE and Q
- Breaking up a page: the HR element
- A digression: Lining Up Text
- Style Sheets on z/OS
- Computer Exercise: Getting some style
Day Two
Introduction to Style Sheets
- Style sheets
- Style properties
- Cascading Style Sheets
- Style Sheets on z/OS
- Computer Exercise: Using Style Sheets
- Kinds of lists
- List bounds: OL, UL, and DL elements
- List content: LI, DT, DD elements
- Lists: example
- Computer Exercise: Displaying lists
Images and maps
- Included items
- The Image element (IMG)
- Client-side maps
- The MAP element
- The AREA element
- Areas and coordinates
- Applications of maps
- Maps with block content
- Computer Exercise: Images and maps
- Introduction – A little background
- The EMBED element
- OBJECTs – Rationale
- Plugins
- HTML OBJECTs – Principles
- The OBJECT element
- The PARAM element
- Embedding object examples: a PDF document, another HTML page, an image, a Java applet
- Nested objects
- Multimedia
- Objects: design and copyright issues
- Computer Exercise: Embedding objects
The AUDIO and VIDEO elements – Optional section
- Multimedia – Background
- Economic factors
- Technical factors
- The AUDIO element
- The VIDEO element
- Further explorations of media elements
- Further resources for media elements
- Computer Exercise: Audio and Video
Day Three
Introduction to Client-side scripting
- Scripts
- DOM – the Document Object Model
- Scripting – Basics
- Computer Exercise: Basic Scripting
DOM and Scripting
- DOM – A Sample Document
- Using DOM to reference Nodes
- The Window Object
- Computer Exercise: Extend the Basic Scripting
More on scripts
- The if statement
- Arrays
- The for statement
- HTMLDocuments: additional properties and methods
- Adding and deleting nodes
- The SCRIPT element
- Functions
- Remote scripts
- Computer Exercise: Expanding / Collapsing List
Miscellaneous Scripting Topics
- The document.write() construct
- Page re-direction
- Testing for browser capabilities
- The NOSCRIPT element
- Computer Exercise: Using document.write()
Forms and INPUT controls
- Introduction to Forms and Controls
- The FORM element
- The INPUT element (type: text, password, checkbox, radio, file,hidden, submit, reset, image, button)
- Successful controls
- Submit processing
- Computer Exercise: Forms and INPUT controls
Those Other Controls
- The BUTTON element
- List boxes (SELECT, OPTION, OPTGROUP elements)
- The LABEL element
- DOM attributes and methods for SELECT elements
- The TEXTAREA element and DOM methods for TEXTAREA
- The FIELDSET and LEGEND elements
- Computer Exercise: Nobel Prize Application
Day Four
A delightful Exploration of Various Topics
- The meaning of focus
- Tabbing and tabindex
- Controls without forms
- Design issues
- The Stateless Web
- Storing State Information
- Cookie formats
- Working with cookies
- Cookies: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Cookies and your Server
- Computer Exercise: Using cookies
Introduction to Tables
- Table terms
- The TABLE element
- The CAPTION element
- The TR element
- The TH and TD elements
- Using Header information
- Building a table
- Computer Exercise: Enhancing a Table
Structuring Tables
- Grouping rows
- The THEAD and TFOOT elements
- The TBODY element
- Grouping columns
- The COL element
- The COLGROUP element
- Grouping columns – notes
- Calculating column widths
- Computer Exercise: Structuring a Table
Day Five
Scripting with Tables
- DOM methods for Table-related elements
- Scripting ideas for tables
- Highlighting the contents of some cells
- The switch statement
- The break statement
- Adding a column to a table dynamically
- Computer Exercise: Updating a table dynamically
Inline Frames
- The IFRAME element
- The IFRAME Element – examples
- Computer Exercise: A page using inline frames
Loose ends
- Accessing programs without forms
- Hiding pages – robots.txt
- The favicon file
- Validation of HTML pages
- Change
- Design for any browser
- Design thoughts
- HTML Next – a peek at the future
- Additional Studies
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