Old Course Catalog
In collaboration with Steve Comstock and Hunter Cobb of the The Trainer’s Friend we are able to offer a comprehensive set of training resources in Asia Pacific never seen before at these incredible price for performance values.
Our courses cover the following important categories in the career development of the mainframe professional:
General z/OS and mainframe introductory courses
Introduction to Application Programming (z/OS)
Introduction to z/OS
TSO, CLIST, REXX, ISPF / Dialog Manager
ISPF Update
Advanced ISPF in z/OS
TSO CLIST Programming in z/OS
ISPF and JCL on z/OS
TSO REXX Programming in z/OS
Introduction to TSO and REXX APIs
Developing Dialog Manager Applications in z/OS
JCL and Utilities
z/OS JCL & Utilities
Advanced Topics in z/OS JCL
Assembler Language
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 1: Beginnings
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 2: Interfaces
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 3: Update
z/OS Assembler Programming Part 4: z/Architecture and z/OS
Enterprise COBOL Update
Enterprise COBOL Unicode and XML Support
Structured COBOL Workshop for Enterprise COBOL
Advanced Topics in COBOL (Enterprise, z/OS)
Enterprise COBOL Debugging and Maintenance
z/OS Debug Tool for Enterprise COBOL
VSAM With Access Method Services
VSAM For COBOL Programmers
VSAM For PL/I Programmers
Language Environment, InterLanguage Communication, DLLs
Using LE Services in z/OS
Cross Program Communication in z/OS
Creating and Using DLLs in z/OS
z/OS Debug Tool for Multi-Language Applications
z/OS UNIX System Services
Introduction to z/OS UNIX
Shell Script Programming in z/OS UNIX
You and z/OS and the World Wide Web
Developing Applications for z/OS UNIX
Introduction to CGIs on z/OS
Writing z/OS CGIs in COBOL
Writing z/OS CGIs in Assembler
DB2 Concepts and Facilities
DB2 Version 8 Differences
DB2 Native SQL Stored Procedures
DB2 and XML
DB2 Version 9 Differences
DB2 Version 10 Differences
DB2: Greatest Hits
DB2 Version 7 to Version 9 Transition
SQL Query Building in DB2
SQL Coding Workshop
DB2 Operations
DB2 Stored Procedures
QMF For Programmers
QMF for SQL Developers
DB2 Data Base Administration
DB2 / CICS Interface
DB2 Tuning and Performance
Structured PL/I Coding Workshop
Advanced Topics in PL/I
VSAM for PL/I Programmers
Enterprise PL/I Debugging and Maintenance
z/OS Debug Tool for Enterprise PL/I
C and C++
Structured C Coding Workshop
z/OS Debug Tool for XL C/C++