On successful completion of this course, the student, with the aid of the appropriate reference materials, should be able to:
- Understand and explain the major components of the DB2 architecture.
- Use EXPLAIN output to determine DB2 access strategies and diagnose potential concurrency and performance difficulties.
- Understand and analyze DB2’s strategy for performing joins, accessing cursors, and implementing subqueries.
- Understand DB2’s strategy for selecting and using Indexes in data access.
- Arrange for efficient batch and utility processing using DB2.
- Use SQL to modify DB2 System Catalog Tables to influence DB2’s choice of access paths.
- Understand the performance implications of using the DB2 security facilities.
- Understand and specify the parameters for the CICS and IMS attachment facilities
- Understand the performance implications of Data Base Design decisions and Data Definition parameters.
© Copyright 2012, Hunter Cobb, www.TrainersFriend.com
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