Recommended Duration: 5 Days
Benefits: The student will learn how to normalize a relational database, and how to define DB2 objects, including Data Bases, Table Spaces, Storage Groups, Indexes, Tables, Views, and Aliases. The student will also develop proficiency in loading, modifying, backing up, recovering, and tuning DB2 Data Bases, using DB2 utilities, service aids, and catalog tables.
Audience: Experienced DB2 programmers, and Data Base Analysts who will design and implement DB2 Data Bases.
Prerequisites: The student entering this course should be familiar with DB2 concepts, have a basic proficiency with SQL data manipulation verbs, have experience in using ISPF/PDF, and should be able to code JCL to run simple batch jobs.
Related IBM Materials: Classroom access to a set of DB2 Reference manuals is desirable, but not required.
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