Recommended Duration: 5 Days
Benefits: Students who complete this course will be able to write or maintain COBOL programs that do not require advanced capabilities of the language. The emphasis here is learning the basics of the language, along with developing program design skills using pseudocode.
Audience: Experienced programmers needing to learn COBOL as a second language. Entry level programmers learning COBOL as their first programming language.
Prerequisites: At the very least, the student entering this course should have background in using a text editor for keying in programs, and know how to run jobs and examine the output. Some introduction to data processing concepts is also recommended.
Related IBM Materials: This course is drawn from these and other IBM manuals; access to these publications in the classroom is desirable but not required:
SC27-1408 – COBOL Language Reference
SC27-1412 – COBOL Programming Guide
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