Day One
- General Introduction
- z/Architecture – Hardware
- z/OS – Software
- z/OS Initial Migration Concerns
- Computer Exercise: Set up for labs
Linkage Issues – Branching and AMODE Setting
- PSW Format
- Address Calculation
- Register Format
- Loading Addresses
- Changing Addressing Modes
- Passing Control Without Switching AMODE
- Passing Control and Switching AMODE
- Switching AMODE Without Passing Control
- Testing the Current AMODE
- Running Around in AMODE-64
- Computer Exercise: Setting and Testing AMODEs
Register Management
- Storing Register Contents Unchanged, To Memory
- Loading Memory Contents, Unchanged, Into Registers
- Move Data (unchanged) Between Registers
- Linkage Conventions
- Computer Exercise: Saving and Restoring Registers
Decimal Data
- Numeric characters – EBCDIC
- Numeric characters – ASCII
- Numeric characters – Unicode
- Zoned decimal data and signs
- Packed decimal
- TP
- Computer Exercise: Packed Decimal Numbers
Day Two
Binary Arithmetic
- Halfword Binary Arithmetic
- Fullword and doubleword binary arithmetic
- Logical binary loads
- Other binary loads
- Logical binary arithmetic
- Computer Exercise: Binary Arithmetic
Boolean Instructions
- Working with bits
- OR instructions
- AND instructions
- Exclusive OR instructions
- Test under mask instructions
- Load and test instructions
Shifting and Rotating – Bits in Registers
- Shift Instructions
- Grande Shifts
- Shift Instruction Processing
- Rotate Instructions
Working With Character Strings in IBM Mainframes
- Working With Character Strings in IBM Mainframes
- Interruptible Instructions
- CPU-Determined Unit of Processing
- More Instructions for Working With Character Strings in IBM Mainframes
- z990 Character Instructions (enhanced again in May, 2004)
Working With ASCII Data in z/OS
- Encoding Schemes
- Working With ASCII Data in IBM Mainframes
- Big Endian and Little Endian
- Load Reversed
- Store Reversed
- Working With ASCII Data, continued
- Computer Exercise: Supporting ASCII Data
Introduction to Unicode
- Characters
- Characters, Glyphs, and Fonts
- Coding Schemes
- Codepeges
- Standards
- Unicode
Day Three
Working With Unicode Data in z/Architecture
- CUUTF, CUTFU, CU24, CU21, CU42, CU41, CU12, CU14
Floating Point and Assembler
- Floating Point Formats
- Floating Point Instructions: Load Instructions
- Floating Point Instructions: Store Instructions
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert BFP to HFP
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert HFP to BFP
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert Fixed to HFP
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert HFP to Fixed
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert Fixed to BFP
- Floating Point Instructions: Convert BFP to Fixed
The z9 Models Instruction Set
- Facilities Introduced
- The Store-Facility-List-Extended Facility
- The Enhanced-Immediate Facility
- The ETF2-Enhancement Facility
- The ETF3-Enhancement Facility
Those Other Instructions
- Specialized Tasks
- Debugging Information
- Time of Day Clock Instructions
- Locking Related Instructions
- Message Security Instructions
- Other
z/OS V1.2
- Macro support (SYSSTATE, CALL, IAVR64)
- Debugging information
- Symptom dumps
- Computer Exercise: Using Memory Objects
The Dead Zone
- The z/OS Address Space
- The Dead Zone
- AMODE64 Linkages
- The IEABRC Macro
z/OS V1.3
- Additional AMODE64 support
- Computer Exercise: Using Programs Bound As AMODE64
z/OS V1.4
- New cell pool macros
z/OS V1.5
- HLASM V1.5 facilities
z/OS V1.6
- Changes to SYSSTATE and other macros
Day Four
z/OS V1.7
- Large format data sets
z/OS V1.8
- New z9 instructions
- Decimal floating point
z/OS V1.9 – nothing new for the Assembler applications programmer
z10 Machine
- Overview
- Load and Store instructions
- Compare and Branch, Compare and Trap
- Other new Compare instructions
- New Execute Instruction
- Working with binary data
- New move instructions
- New Translate and Test instructions
- Those Other instructions
- New Extended Mnemonics
- Mnemonic tagging
- Assembler PARM changes
z/OS V1.10
- IARCP64: New cell pool services
- IARST64: New storage services
z/OS V1.11 – nothing of interest for the Assembler applications programmer
zEnterprise machines (z196, z114) – New hardware instructions
- Overview
- High-Word Facility Instructions
- Interlocked-Access Facility Instructions
- Load/Store-on-condition Facility Instructions
- Distinct Operands Facility Instructions
- Population-Count Facility Instruction
- Floating-Point Extension Facility
- Miscellaneous Changes
z/OS V1.12
- Save Areas Revisited
- Enhanced BSAM support for 64-bit code
- Enhanced Macros (CALL, LINK, LINKX, XCTL, XCTLX)
- GETMAIN change
- Program Binder change
z/OS V1.13 – nothing of interest for the Assembler applications programmer
z Enterprise Machines: zEC12 – New hardware instructions
- Overview
- The Decimal-floating-point zoned-conversion facility
- The Miscellaneous-instruction-extensions facility
- The Load-and-trap facility
- The Interlock-access facility, 1 and 2
- The Execution-hint facility
- The Processor-assist facility
- The Transactional-execution facility
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