Recommended Duration: 5 Days
Benefits: Students who complete this course will be able to accomplish work using native TSO commands and the powerful REXX capability of TSO. REXX execs are developed that can be immediately useful in day-to-day work.
Audience: Applications and systems programmers, who need to know how to use TSO commands hand how to create or maintain REXX execs. Anyone who will be creating or maintaining applications written to run under the Dialog Manager.
Prerequisites: At the very least, the student entering this course should have experience in using ISPF/PDF, especially the editor. Additionally, experience submitting jobs to run in the batch and some programming background are helpful.
Related IBM Materials: This course is drawn from these and other IBM manuals; access to these publications in the classroom is desirable but not required:
SA22-7782 – TSO/E Command Langugage Reference
SA22-7790 – TSO/E REXX Reference
SA22-7791 – TSO/E REXX User’s Guide
SH19-8160 – IBM Compiler for REXX/370
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